Biju Janata Dal (BJD) supremo Naveen Pattanik, on Tuesday morning visited to Nishnahandi under Nabarangpur assembly constituency, later Dabugam, Raighar and Jharigam Assembly constituency of Nabarangpur district to campaign for the aspirant candidates for the Zilla Parisad member from party ticket, in the forthcoming three-tier panchayat poll on February.
Addressing in the meeting at Nishanahandi the CM said Congress has not done anything for the people of the state, while its leaders are busy for attaining self gains and are doing family politics.He further highlighted the programmes undertaken by his government for the upliftment of the poor, women and students. The government, has chalked out many development and poverty alleviation programmes in rural areas from its own resources, he said.
The MLA, Nabarangpur Manohar Randhari, FDC Chairaman, Muna Khan, BYJD president Badri Narayan Singh, along with the party candidates of zila parisad were present in the dais and urged the voters to cast their votes to BJD candidates.
Later, the CM visited to Dabugam, Raighar to attend election meeting at As many as 6000 people are congregated in the meeting places. Overhauled by the good response at Nisnahandi, Dabugam , Raighar and Jharigam Naveen Pattaniak claims that his party candidates of Zilla Parisad zones would do better than last panchayat election in the district.
IT Minister Ramesh Chandra Majhi, was at Jharigam while Umerkote MLA, Subash Gond, at Raighar, and BJD district president Jayadev Parida, along with the party candidates of zila paridad were also present in the meetings.
While Addressing the meeting at Jharigam IT Minister Ramesh Chandra Majhi, said under the leadership of Naveen Pataink, developmental work has been carried out all over the state.Several developmental works have also been carried out in past years. So he urged the locals to support his party candidates by giving votes in the coming